Posts by pwsadmin
Hidden Cost of Budget Travel
You know that feeling when you score an insanely cheap flight and feel like you’ve outsmarted the entire travel industry? Well, not so fast, because you’re about to find out why sometimes, that victorious “cha-ching” might turn into a wallet-draining “uh-oh.” Today, we’re uncovering the hidden costs of budget travel—and what you can do to…
Read MoreMoney Saving Travel Hacks for Gen X
Did you know that Gen X travellers are facing the highest travel costs in over a decade do to that fact that we tend travel as a family? Yep, in 2024, airfare and hotel prices have skyrocketed, making it tougher to explore the world without breaking the bank. But don’t worry! I’ve got some awesome…
Read MoreThe Power of Budgeting
What is the single, most powerful strategic financial tool you have complete control over? Go ahead, think, I’ll wait……..yep – your budget because it powers your life by telling your money where to go! Financial independence (FI) is a goal that we aspire to achieve at Enjoying the Journey. Having a solid foundation of budgeting…
Read MoreWhy Financial Literacy Matters
Do I buy or rent? How much should I save for retirement? Is a Roth better than my company’s 401K? What’s the difference between index funds & mutual funds? What’s the rule of 72? Everyday we are inundated with questions from our children, colleagues or your favourite barista. Some are simple-ish: Do I stop for…
Read MoreBuy Your Freedom, Not Stuff: True Fulfilment
What if true fulfillment lies not in the things we own, but in the freedom we can buy with the money we have? In today’s consumer-driven world, it’s easy to get caught up in the cycle of buying stuff in pursuit of happiness and fulfillment. We are bombarded with messages that tell us that owning…
Read MoreLearn to Embrace Wealth
When you hear the word wealth, what images come to mind? Luxury cars, large beautiful homes and lots of money? You are not incorrect but you are incomplete. True wealth is more about what money can facilitate than buy like healthy relationships, physical, mental and fiscal health, knowledge about various subjects and wisdom to know…
Read MoreWhy Comparison is Dangerous (and Beneficial)
Am I prettier than her? I’m good at this but she’s better at that! I’m smarter than her, right? Why can’t I dress like her? Why does her family always take amazing holidays; we both work at the same company! Comparing yourself to those around you or 10,000 km away is a very human experience…
Read MoreSavings rate vs. compound interest
As we get older, a high personal savings rate becomes increasingly important, dare I say, more important than compound interest? I know, I know – everyone talks about compound interest as the 8th wonder of the world and while it is extremely important, I’m talking to Gen-Xers that are playing “catch-up” with their retirement savings. Give me…
Read MoreChange your PERSPECTIVE
I was listening to a podcast and they were talking about the late Charlie Munger and dissecting some of his quotes. The one that captured my attention was when Charlie was asked at a cocktail party if he could play the piano? His answer, “I don’t know, I’ve never tried. I probably could become a great piano player…
Read MoreWhy can’t I save money!!!!!!
I have more month left than money Does that sound familiar?? Don’t beat yourself up. Life comes at us fast, especially when we are trying to make financial changes. Today, we are going to talk about the obstacles to saving but the first thing I want you to do is give yourself some grace. You…
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