Archive for May 2024
Savings rate vs. compound interest
As we get older, a high personal savings rate becomes increasingly important, dare I say, more important than compound interest? I know, I know – everyone talks about compound interest as the 8th wonder of the world and while it is extremely important, I’m talking to Gen-Xers that are playing “catch-up” with their retirement savings. Give me…
Read MoreChange your PERSPECTIVE
I was listening to a podcast and they were talking about the late Charlie Munger and dissecting some of his quotes. The one that captured my attention was when Charlie was asked at a cocktail party if he could play the piano? His answer, “I don’t know, I’ve never tried. I probably could become a great piano player…
Read MoreWhy can’t I save money!!!!!!
I have more month left than money Does that sound familiar?? Don’t beat yourself up. Life comes at us fast, especially when we are trying to make financial changes. Today, we are going to talk about the obstacles to saving but the first thing I want you to do is give yourself some grace. You…
Read MorePrepared for the 70-year-old you?
No seriously – how prepared is she? Seems like that’s too far off in the future to think about, doesn’t it? You’ve got plenty of time, right? Let’s take a short walk down memory lane to your high school graduation. Now, a few steps forward to your college graduation. How long ago was that? 20 years? 30 years? 40 years ago? I…
Read MoreChange is easy right?!?!
“Change is good, you go first” by Mac Anderson and Tom Feltenstein Let’s be honest – change sucks! Doesn’t matter if you’re changing your diet, sleeping habits, caffeine consumption or your career. There are a lot of factors that make change scary but most of all change applies pressure to our comfort zone. Doesn’t matter your age, sexual…
Read MoreDesign Your Life
Our lives are full of demands and distractions; experts say some of us check our phones over 100 times per day. This can make it easy to lose sight of our true aspirations and values. We spend years in school and our careers to make a life but are you living the life that you…
Read MoreHow spending helps you save
We’ve all heard “live below your means” and I completely subscribe to this lifestyle yet, I also believe that we can enjoy ourselves responsibly while pursing FI (financial independence). In order to do this, I recommend adding an “experience spend” line item into your budget. Your monthly budget is your strategic tool to help you effectively…
Read MoreMy top 10 money mistakes
With 50+ years of living and being weighed down by $414,000 in debt – I’ve could share a LOT of money mistakes with you, but since your time is precious and finite, I’ll limit this scary walk down memory lane to 10. Let’s first define what is a “money mistake”, it’s basically an error or poor decision…
Read MoreHow to Overcome the Fear of a Layoff (what to do now)
We’ve all heard the news of layoffs across multi sectors and you begin to feel fear that maybe your industry is next. That’s human and completely understandable but what if you used this time to prepare for the worse, while hoping for the best??? Back in 2012, I was on a road trip driving from one US…
Read MoreAre you too comfortable with debt?
Being comfortable with debt can be a positive attribute when you manage it responsibly. Your comfort level will vary based on your individual financial circumstances, beliefs and goals but there are also red flags. Today’s post is meant to act as a mirror for you – to see if you are TOO comfortable with debt and not…
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